Monthly Archives: May 2004

Prince of Persia?

Does anyone play Prince of Persia on Xbox? I’m looking for a good “hint” site…not cheats. I’m just running into a few things that’d be good to have some helpful hints on….I usually manage, but it takes me a while… ask my game expert to help me :-p

Guess what?

Sometimes things turn around all at once 🙂

Summertime :-)

Okay, it’s officially summer.
Earlier today, I heard Springsteen’s “Jersey Girl”….then on the way home tonight, I heard “Summertime” (Will Smith) and when that was over I went to the next station on the dial and “Wildwood Days” was on – it is not officially summer until I hear those songs and to hear them all in one day is really something -lol 🙂
Not that I’m thrilled with the warm weather we’ve already been having but I’m soooooo looking forward to going down the shore – whoo-hoo!

Children’s Books?

Okay….I have a few good classic children’s books to read with Brittany. But I need more. We have “Corduroy”, “Goodnight Moon” and “Guess How Much I Love You” in addition to my childhood favorites…..Brittany still loves to read “Archie” and I have finally found a copy of “Who Wants an Old Teddy Bear Anyway?” that she really enjoys.
I tend to shy away from Dr. Suess books….I do have “O, The Places You’ll Go” but it’s been in my closet for about 3 years. And Brittany really gets a kick out of “The Foot Book” but I never really cared to read Dr. Suess when I was little…..I just like to watch the shows 😉
At this point, I think Brittany is just a little too young for me to get into “A Wrinkle in Time” (though I am in the market for a new copy) but I would like to try “Charlotte’s Web”. she had the movie on tape and played it till it came apart so I was thinking I might order her a new tape and get the book with it….read a chapter or so a night.
I’m wondering about books like “Where the Wild Things Are” and “Harold and the Purple Crayon”, etc. Anybody have any opinions on these? And can you recommend any other “classics” that we might enjoy?

I feel light :-)

I feel soooooo light in my heart right now, and yes, even a little light in the head…..I ran up the steps when I came up here – I never to that. If you know what’s been going on, you know what I’ve been waiting for for a veryveryvery long time and now I have it and I am just nearly giddy.
Please say a prayer, light a candle or just plain cross your fingers that the good stuff keeps coming 🙂

Fun with PSP 8 :-)

Remember when I said I was bored?
I was just downloading some pictures off my phonecam and realized that I never really had the opportunity to play around with any of the crap in PSP8….

I think I need to dig out a movie to put on…..

blah :-p

Okay, so if you’ve been following along in the journal, you probably know why I’ve been so scarce around here. I know I’ve said that before but this time, I actually have gone into what’s going on.
And I don’t want to do that here.
Suffice it to say that things have greatly improved and I see myself with a little more time to type a few words here now and then. Now it’s just a matter of getting back in the habit :-
I did actually have a rather long entry typed up here earlier this week but I stupidly clicked on a link that Bill sent me over AIM and it opened in the window that I had the entry written in…..needless to say, when I tried to go back, the whole thing was gone and I was too annoyed about it to sit and write it all over again. Must have been really important, too because I don’t remember a damn thing about it – lol 🙂
I’m actually pretty bored right at the moment….Bill is just starting home from the mountains and Brittany is once again at my parents’ house for the night.
Have I ever mentioned that I really miss TNG being on for like 3 hours on Friday?