Monthly Archives: March 2003

See what three years can do?

Three years ago at about this time…I was starting to get a little uncomfortable because my epidural was wearing off.
About ten minutes ago I was praying that Brittany would just go to sleep so that I could take a hot bath in peace.
I could go for another epidural, too.

Rockin’ Goddesses

Heather and the girls just totally rock my world…

Read the rest of this entry


Well, the cops raided the place across the street about 2 weeks ago and arrested one of the asshole dealers. Since then, it’s been quiet but they are still there, in and out…..they seemed to be moving out but I don’t really know.
Anyway, the cops just got here again. This time they knocked and accounced themselves — rather than breaking in the door like they did last time. I could be mistaken but it looked like they had a warrant with them.
Guess we’ll just see.
With any luck, they may be serving an eviction notice – that would rock 🙂

*UPDATE: It was an eviction – they are gone, baby, gone!!*


You may have noticed a few things not quite working or a little out of whack for a while today. I’ve been having a good ol’ time implementing some of the plugins from the MT Plugin Directory 🙂
You will note in the sidebars:
– ‘random happy pills’: 3 random entries in no particular order.
– ‘elsewhere’: a snippet from the latest post in both the journal and babyblog.
– ‘entry linkage’: a list of the last ten sites I linked to within an entry.
You can also see that I have a nifty little word count now 🙂
I installed a neat plugin that you may get to see from time to time — Movable Jive is mostly a toy for me, though. It installs a few more options in the text formatting drop down menu within Movable Type that allow you to publish your entries in different accents/dialects.
Ummm, there was one more that I wanted to include but I forgot what it was sometime between Brittany’s nap and now :-
Ah well…I’ll think of it.


Firewalls Set To Become Illegal In Many American States
Steve sent that article to Bill….I intercepted it because I have comandeered Bill’s laptop for the morning 😉 Anyway, I thought some of you might find it interesting.
Thanks, Steve 😉


Three years ago today was my due date. About this time that night, Bill was at work and I was sitting at the computer tinkering with my website and hoping that he’d be home if the time came to go to the hospital. Who knew she was gonna hang on for three more days 😉

down a bit…

I lost 2.8 pounds 😉

Wake up…..stare.

Speaking of Brittany…..she has a new way of waking me up on my days off. Rather than the good ol’ days when she used to call from her room hey, mama – get your lazy ass out of bed (I paraphrase, of course), now……now she really gets in my face.
At first she just puts her face right up at mine. And stares. I can only assume she learned this from the cats.
Since she does this at 6:45 on my days off, I grunt something about her going back to sleep and roll over. So she climbs over me and lays down. And stares at me from the other side.
I whisper for her to go back to sleep – she was up till 11 again she could use another hour!
She lays back and closes her eyes, as do I.
Then she’s back. In my face. Whispering at me!
“Mama…..Mama, can you ge me some milk?”
How the hell am I supoosed to ignore that?!?!
::sigh:: 🙂

Brittany’s Birthday

Brittany’s birthday is on Tuesday and I want to send something in for the kids in her class…..since she can’t decide what kind of cake she wants (and we’re not having anything big since we are taking her to the aquarium next Monday) I was just going to make a Blue’s Clues pawprint cake for after dinner and some Blue cupcakes for her to bring to school.
But I’m open for suggestions……? Anyone have any ideas for cupcake alternatives for a bunch of 2-3 year olds that won’t run much money?


Okay…..after a bit of thought…..

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