Monthly Archives: October 2003

Kids are Weird :-

When Brittany heard my alarm going off this morning, she came into my room and climbed into bed with me. I got ready then I got her ready. And we were early.
Brittany was ready to walk out the door and I had to run back upstairs for something. I walk into my room and hear Bill downstairs go “Aww, Brittany…” in a kind of “Awwww, what happened?” voice….then I heard her start crying.
I said “What did she do?” She took a sip of water and just threw up. Just standing there, not complaining about her belly hurting or anything like that…..just waiting by the door with her water bottle, ready to go to school and *bleghk*.
It’s kind of a weird day around here, though….alot more humid than it’s been lately and Bill and I both woke up quite congested. So she probably had a little PND and just gagged a bit when she went to drink the water.
So, I got her changed back into her nightgown and started to leave and told her she should lay down for a while and I’d be back soon….then she started crying again. “But, Mamaaaa! I wanna go to schoooooool!” Think she’ll be doing that in 10 years?
Anyway, she stayed here with Bill and I went in to embed….I told JB what happened with Brittany and that I’d need to leave as soon as I was finished embedding. Of course she said it was fine and even sent home a pack of stickers for her…..I love my boss 🙂

Okay, what is the deal with my phone cam….sometimes the picture is perfect, almost as good as a regular camera, and other times it looks like this. I’ve said before that I think the signal effects the quality of the picture but everyone tell me no :-p


I love going to the playground in the fall 🙂


I got up to find my little weatherbug flashing with this warning issued at 4:30a.m…..
Low Pressure Off The New England Coast Will Move Off To The North And East Today Allowing A Large High Pressure System To Move Into The Middle Atlantic Area. This System Will Bring The Coldest Temperatures To Date To Our Region. As Winds Drop Off And Skies Clear Tonight… Widespread Frost Is Expected To Develop. A Frost Advisory Is Issued When Frost Is Expected To Develop Even Though Air Temperatures May Remain Above Freezing.
It’s 40degrees out right now……fall kicks ass 🙂

My temporary desk….

This is my temporary desk in work. While AS is out on maternity leave, I’m using her desk. We are waiting for someone from the large animal facility to bring back one of the microtomes they have (because they are only using one right now) for me to use….when they do, I’ll have my very own microtome to use – whoo-hoo!
As you can see, I’ve taken over a bit for now….I saw the little Halloween thing at Fresh Grocer and thought it’d be a cute candy dish to put on top of the microtome. At the same time, I saw a little philadendron and bought it with the intention of bringing it home….it looked so cute sitting behind the candy dish, that I’ve deided to leave it in work, though. And JB’s daughter bought mini-pumpkins for everyone on her trip to Linvilla last week so I have that sitting up there as well….it’s actually sitting in the plant so it looks like I have a little pumpkin plant sitting there.
You already know I’m easily amused, so just shaddup :-p


Since my posting has been pretty non-existant lately, I thought today that I might try doing something simple like posting a cam pic every day….even if I don’t have much to say about it…..

Brittany was actually a little bit of a girly-girl this evening….we stopped at my moms house for a little while and my mom had gotten her a bunch of dress up things, including a boa, stick-on earrings and a ring. For a while she was having a ball pretending to be a lady of leisure but then she was just happy to stick with the ring and earrings…..just like her mama 😉
Okay, I’m quite drunk right now…..I drank most of a large bottle of Arbor Mist while watching the brand-spankin’-new Rocky Horror DVD I bought yesterday…..always good to get drunk to.
Thank goodness I don’t get hungover with this stuff 😉

sphinx strikes again

Once again yesterday, my path to work was covered with scribblings……
All the way from my garage, down 40th Street and all across the park.
I dunno….even though she denied it last time, I still think it’s pretty weird 😉

The Friday Five – 10.17.03

I loved these Friday Five questions the first time and I still think they’re fun 🙂 I still miss the “What are you doing this weekend?” question, though :-
1. Name five things in your refrigerator. Milk, lunchmeat, assorted flavors of yogurt, friggin’ huge can of beer that Bill just had to have and a few bottles of Ice.
2. Name five things in your freezer. Would it be cheating if I only gave five different flavors of coffee? We’ve been putting off shopping, but today is the day. Okay…..Eggo Cinnamon Toast waffles for Brittany, some frozen pizzas, a bag of burritos that I really need to throw out, my Morning Star veggie burgers and some freezie-pops.
3. Name five things under your kitchen sink. I try not to keep anything under there because the fuckin’ thing leaks occasionally….not all the time so we can find out where it’s coming from and not enough to get all over the place, just enough to get all over anything I put under there. Anyway, there’s a container of sponges from BJ’s, Big Ass Bottle Of Dish Detergent also from BJ’s, an old crock pot in the corner that I keep forgetting to take to the Salvation Army (hey, at least I got rid of the toaster), Big Ass Bottle Of Bleach (guess where that’s from…), and a bucket sitting under where we think the leak may be…..just in case.
4. Name five things around your computer. Oh, Christ…my desk is so piled up with shit….lemme see……a heart shaped box filled with pictures I keep meaning to scan into the computer, a bottle of Chloraseptic cuz I have my first cold of the season, the last half of a Black Cherry Fizz wine cooler that I was drinking last night and didn’t finish before going to bed, a blue frog with purple spots holding a heart that says “I love you” from Bill and a whole bunch of watercolors that Brittany is painting as I type this and bringing to me before they dry 🙂
5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet. That cupboard is pretty bare except for some basic things….I just have issues about keeping real medicine in the cabinet in the bathroom. Except for cold remedies, all of our meds are in our nightstands. There is a bottle of Tylenol PM, a couple of disposable razors, an old watch (I don’t know why that’s in there) Bill’s deoderant and my Proactive.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…..Heather just rocks 🙂


We went out to a farm/nursury in Indian Walk yesterday to look for pumpkins for Brittany and my nephew. There were Halloween decorations and everything all over the place.
Imagine my surprise when I realized that this wasn’t one of them….

Slip me some skin!!

Yes, folks….it’s true. I am finally skinnable 🙂 Thanks in no small part to Meg who helped me out with a great e-mail tutorial that made the whole thing crystal clear….cuz before that, I couldn’t figure out how the hell to do it for the life of me.
It did take me nearly 2 months to actually get around to implementing everything here, of course. It didn’t take me that long to do it…..I was playing with it in a test blog from time to time and you know how things get around here. But when I sat down tonight to get my Halloween layout together, I decided to just go ahead and bring the skinning over and work out the last little kinks as I go.
The only really noticeable thing that bugs me is that I can’t figure out how to make the comment pop-up work with the skins. So you’ll notice that my comments pop-up only matches one of the skins….For the time being, I think I’m just going to settle on a neutral background and all for the comments and figure it out later. A lot of my plug-ins apparently don’t like being skinned, either. So my sidebars are significantly shorter….that’s not necessarily a bad thing, though.
For now, I only have my Halloween skin (which I’m actually really diggin’ ;-), my Eagles skin that I kept around from last year (shut-up, they might win a game or two yet) and two of my Dita skins that were easy to set up. I have a few other layouts that I’ve saved along the line that I would like to skin and I have some ideas for new ones. I’m not promising a huge selection any time soon, though 😉
Okay….I’m happy now – Meg, you rock!!
And now I’m going to bed. I have to get up in 4 hours :-

Hey, Kobe!

Wanna hear something funny?
From the best morning radio show in town 😉 They have a couple others in their audio section that are pretty damn funny, too. They did this one right after the whole thing with Kobe came out and I thought it was the funniest friggin’ parody I’ve ever heard…..then they played it again this morning and there I was cracking up again.
Why yes, I am easily amused….and if you are too, be sure to listen to their parody of ‘Runaway’ too 😉
They did a hilarious song on MMR last year about Iverson set to the Hendrix song “Hey, Joe”. I keep meaning to write and ask them to post it. Have to do that this weekend….